Kids talk

Robin, Adwoah and Samantha, S2, talk to Julia Belgutay about first choices for the CfE senior phase
20th April 2012, 1:00am

Adwoah: I started with what I want to do when I’m older, and I want to work in a hospital, so I looked up qualifications that you need on the computer and it came up with subjects. I based it around that.

Robin: I picked a few subjects I enjoyed and some subjects I thought would be good for, like, later in life.

Samantha: I just basically chose subjects that I really enjoyed as well and, like, things that might be useful for the future.

Robin: It was quite easy, `cos they had them in columns. The columns I thought helped, because you had to make choices in each column.

Samantha: I was quite stuck for one column, `cos the subjects in the column weren’t, like, too much of interest to me and so I kind of guessed. Not really guess, but really, really think about could I rearrange the subjects I already had, or would I just have to make a choice in that column. So I ended up making the choice of another science. I didn’t really need any sciences, because I only really need to take one science, because I’m not actually aiming for anything science in future. So I had to just take a different science.

Adwoah: I thought it was quite easy because some of the subjects were repeated in some columns; we didn’t have to, like, lose the ones we wanted. I spoke to my parents and friends. They said I had to, like, have more variety in it, but I just kind of stuck to what I wanted.

Samantha: We are Curriculum for Excellence - the qualifications we are actually going for are different from, like, any years ahead of us.

Adwoah: I think it makes us, like, I don’t know, better `cos it’s, like, modern and moved on from the old.

Samantha: Yeah.

Robin: I don’t really talk about that much with my friends and stuff, but yeah, pretty much, it does feel different. So far, I have enjoyed it, because we got to choose electives, like a core technology, or a core art, and you got more subjects that you enjoyed, so that was good.

Samantha: I think how they changed it and things - they have changed it, so they must have seen fault in, like, their curriculum before, so this new curriculum must be better. So I’m kinda just putting my trust in the government for that.

Robin: When I hear stuff on the news, I think that’s more to make people panic, `cos the people who have organised this new curriculum, they’ve not done it to ruin our lives. They’ve done it to make it better. They want to improve it, and obviously they think it’s going to be better than the old one or they wouldn’t have changed it.