Kids talk

Hannah, Sophie and Paul, P1 and P2, talk to Julia Belgutay about why children need to go to school
23rd March 2012, 12:00am

Sophie: We have to go because we learn things.

Hannah: And if you didn’t learn, you wouldn’t be good at maths when you grow up.

Sophie: And you wouldn’t know how to spell anything. Like cat. C-A-T. That’s easy!

Paul: And also sometimes you could play with your friends that might go to the same school as you.

Sophie: And I might fall off my chair. If you didn’t go to school you couldn’t do spelling.

Hannah: You wouldn’t know how to use the computer properly.

Sophie: You need all those things for safekeeping.

Paul: You might have to, like, answer maths questions or write something, and if you didn’t go to school you would have no idea what to do.

Hannah: And you wouldn’t be able to write and you wouldn’t be able to colour within the lines.

Paul: When you are grown up, you could get a document where you might have to write something.

Sophie: Or you could be a teacher. I am going to be a teacher. No, I’m not. Yes, I am.

Paul: You would probably have to go to school if you were going to be a doctor.

Hannah: You would have to go to university to be a doctor and learn how to work and how to tell patients what’s wrong with them and stuff.

Sophie: If Hannah was the doctor and I was green.

Hannah: And if I didn’t go to university or school, I wouldn’t know what was wrong.

Paul: I can’t think of any jobs where you don’t need to go to school.

Hannah: Hoovering. Laundry.

Paul: I could count up to 10 before I came to school, but not up to 100. I understand sometimes when people say they don’t want to go to school. I sometimes don’t want to go.

Hannah: One of my friends in the playground said to me: “I want something to crush down the school, like a massive chocolate cake”. And I said no, that wouldn’t work, because the school is too strong. I have learned a lot since I came to school. I learned how to spell and make words.

Paul: And we have learned how to make fossils.

Sophie: I can spell rat and cat. That’s easy.

Paul: Sometimes I now write at home. But I don’t like it that much. Sometimes in school you have to write loads, like a story, and it takes like forever. I think you probably need to go to school for about seven years until you know everything.

Sophie: How about 99 years?

Hannah: I think until you are an adult.

Paul: Seven years probably in primary school, and then you can go to high school.