Lesson ideas

28th January 2005, 12:00am
Art and design

Caro is renowned for creating large and small works. Get the group to walk around the sculpture and imagine how the work would feel if it was twice or half the size.

Count and identify the shapes in “Early One Morning”. Cut the shapes out of red card and make sculptures that are similar to Caro’s by incorporating wire, pipe cleaners or straws. Create similar sculptures but in different colours and explore emotional reactions to bright and dark colours.

As a group, how do they feel on a bright sunny morning with the sun shining through the window? Ask for one-word responses and write them down on a flip chart. Get children to create poems exploring these feelings, using these words for stimulus.

Using their sketchbooks, get students to draw the sculpture quickly and fluidly. Reduce it to a series of thin lines exploring the horizontal and vertical planes. On a different page, get them to draw the space around the sculpture looking at the angles that it creates.

Caro uses a variety of materials, including found objects, in his sculptures. Gather a variety of found objects from different locations, such as the school grounds and the classroom. Construct sculptures using these found objects. Paint the sculptures when complete and give them titles. Play around with the placement of the sculptures, on pedestals and on the ground.

Caro worked part-time for the sculptor Henry Moore at the start of his career. Contrast Caro with Henry Moore. Caro was an influential tutor at St Martin’s School of Art. Many of his pupils went on to become famous sculptors in their own right. Research their work and compare their differences and similarities.

Resources www.tate.org.uk



Interpreting Caro by Paul Moorhouse (Tate) Passages in Modern Sculpture by Rosalind Krauss, (MIT Press)