Letters extra: ‘No’ to barge-pole schooling

13th September 2002, 1:00am

Re inclusion of disruptive pupils ( TES , Nicholas Pyke 6.9.02).

Potentially disruptive year 7 pupils get the best environment for inclusion and for their own emotional and social development if there are not too many of them in any one class or school. It is not surprising that Ingrid Lunt did not find any inner urban schools in her 42 most ‘Effective’ schools.

Inner cities, with greater population density, offer choices of secondary schools. In the competitive climate of published League Tables, it will usually be schools lowest in these tables (and by definition Not Effective) that have room to admit more than their fair share of potentially disruptive pupils. Regulations to spread out these pupils amongst all inner city schools is needed because to crowd them into ‘barge pole’ schools is surely against their RIGHTS under the 2001 Disabilities Act?

Margaret Ogden, retired inner city SEN teacher, London, NW3