Letters extra: support the GTC

16th March 2001, 12:00am

The crisis faced by schools in recruiting and retaining teachers highlights the need for the voice of all teachers to be heard, the status of the profession to be raised and the pay and conditions of teachers to be improved.

The General Teaching Council and the unions need to develop a way to work alongside each other to achieve these goals.

The pound;25 registration fee allows the GTC to continue its advisory work in addition to developing an efficient regulatory system, led by teachers, which safeguards the reputation of the profession.

As a teacher, I want to see continual improvements in students’ learning. As a union member, I want to see improvements in teachers’ pay and conditions. As a GTC member, I want to see increased status and recruitment, opportunities for professional development, and a national teacher voice which listens to teachers.

There is no conflict of interest.

Therefore, I ask the unions not to waste time and money on a campaign to prevent the payment of the GTC registration fee.

I ask all teaches to support the GTC and their union to make teaching the highly respected, valued and enjoyable profession it should be.

Valerie Dennis
GTC member