Maths - Resource of the week

13th April 2012, 1:00am

Mr Collins’ compendium

Ditching ICT, paulcollins reminds us that sometimes basic is best, with his collection of more than 30 GCSE revision maths sheets.

What is it?

Two sets of 16 A4 revision sheets named “Raymond’s Rovers” and “Collins City”. Each covers one topic in 10 questions and is decorated with handy hints such as a number line, BODMAS reminder and formulae. The formulae and problems on each sheet do not match up, so pupils have to seek help from peers to get their answers.

These sheets are incredibly pupil-friendly because they are presented in the same way that many pupils lay out their revision notes: snappy statements scribbled in different-coloured pens. Designed primarily for higher-tier pupils, half the questions on each sheet are also accessible to those studying the foundation syllabus.

“Too often I witnessed GCSE classes being given past paper after past paper in order to revise for their maths exams,” paulcollins says. “The sheets provide a welcome change to this routine. Each time I have used them they have been greeted with great enthusiasm.”

What else?

Make it competitive and split the class into two teams to tackle the two different sets of revision sheets.

Craig Barton is a TES subject adviser.