Maths - Resource of the week

7th October 2011, 1:00am

Calculation Strategies Collection (Primary)

Save time - and headaches - on planning new ways to cover calculation with the mathematicians of the future by using the TES Calculation Strategies collection. These resources, tactics and techniques have been shared by primary teachers and professionals and are bundled on to one informative page.

What’s in it?

A selection of open-ended TESiboard interactive activities which can be used to model number bonds, sort problems, and sequence - not to mention introducing mathematical superheroes Madam Addition and Subtraction Man (Marvel Comics missed a trick there).

What else?

You’ll also find resources to consolidate pupil knowledge and put strategies into practice. Try the alien evacuation game, great for practising speedy mental addition in a problem-solving context, as well as a host of other resources.

Tell us what you think by visiting the collection at

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