Merseyside - Girls told to go easy on the slap

19th June 2009, 1:00am

Orange faces are likely to turn red at one secondary after its head promised to send girls home if they wear too much fake tan.

As part of a crackdown on excessive make-up, Deyes High in Maghull is getting tough and will ask any pupil wearing “excessive” amounts to go home.

The move is being backed by education chiefs in Sefton in an attempt to improve standards.

Peter Reed, the headteacher, sent a letter to parents informing them that pupils could apply make-up only “in moderation” and that girls should always tie back their hair.

Mr Reed said: “In the case of make up, a minority of your daughters attempt to use excessive amounts of foundation and tanning creams.

“I will again send home persistent offenders to correct their appearance accordingly.”

It is understood the letter was a “seasonal reminder” of the school’s standards and it has the full support of parents. rv.