My brilliant idea - Planting a seed

10th October 2008, 1:00am

RE - Age 11

This idea helps Year 7s understand what different religions have in common.

In homework, pupils plant a seed and write care instructions. Back in class, in ability-matched pairs, they choose a religion, research basic facts (visit and produce a leaflet.

Their next homework asks them to find a link between the leaflet, the planted seed and the instructions. For example, the seed could represent the faith of the believer; following the instructions could symbolise the importance of obeying the religious teachings; the grown plant may illustrate the commitment of the believer.

This leads to excellent discussion.

Grown plants are returned to school. The differences are noted and similarities are compared. This leads to further debate to identify ideas that religions and believers have in common, at the same time as acknowledging we are all different.

The pupils use a digital camera to take photos of the plants and willing classmates, creating a class collage to emphasise that just as all the plants are similar and yet different, so are we. The leaflets are also displayed.

Angela Hindle is RE subject leader at Selby High School in North Yorkshire.