My brilliant idea - Story grid

10th October 2008, 1:00am

Literacynumeracy - Ages 7-11

This works well not only in English but links in with numeracy when learning about co-ordinates. It also helps children who struggle to create imaginative stories.

Prepare the lesson by creating a large grid. Label each axis with numbers along the bottom and up the side. Stick pictures into each square on the grid.

Then give each pupil two dice - the first throw gives them the x-axis (vertical) co-ordinate and the second the y-axis (horizontal) co-ordinate. Whatever picture is in the chosen square will be the next thing to write about in their story.

The children love comparing stories at the end of the lesson; they’ve all had the same pictures yet the stories turn out so different.

Emma Marsh is a new teacher at St Francis’ Catholic Primary in Birmingham.