My Story: Pulling No Punches by John Prescott

Book – Aren’t fat people hilarious? Look at them, with their low self-esteem and type 2 diabetes
23rd May 2008, 1:00am

Aren’t fat people hilarious? Look at them, with their low self-esteem and type 2 diabetes. In fact, if anything could be more hilarious than a fat person, it’s a fat person with an eating disorder. They’re fat - but they’ve got bulimia. And they’re still fat. Priceless. Excuse me while I choke to death on great big foaming bubbles of hilarity.

While the press reaction to John Prescott’s revelations about his battle of the bulge was barely more dignified than a pimply school kid razzing a fatty, you can expect more to come when his autobiography, Pulling No Punches, hits the shelves this Thursday.

It promises to recount the remarkable journey of, “an 11-plus failure who became a union firebrand, a campaigning MP and Britain’s longest-serving deputy prime minister,” as well as some juicy details of Croquetgate, Brawlgate, and his affair with the toothy temptress Tracey Temple.

John Prescott might not be the most popular minister, but the public sneering over the revelations about his eating disorder was as ugly as the dumpiest front bench MP.

Let’s hope the press behave themselves better this time, even if Prezza himself frequently cannot.