National award-winners: the school that took over a hotel and ran it for a day - plus case studies of the six other winners

13th June 1997, 1:00am


Winning Company:



Industry skills for design and technology

The success:

Nine pupils at Turves Green Girls School, Birmingham, reached level 7 in their Key Stage 3 national curriculum tests this year. Last year, when no one did, level 4 had the largest number of achievers.The school credits direct contact with Cadbury staff, site visits by teachers and the motivation of outside “interested” adults.

The project:

Seven mixed-ability groups of girls, supported by Cadbury, worked in technology teams. Their theme was “fun fairs”. Some produced promotional items such as T-shirts and electronic models, new designs for chocolate wrappers and displays.

Others looked at business management or designed and made a new “healthy eating” chocolate bar. Each had to devise a company name and every team member had to develop their own area of business in collaboration with the others. Factory visits and presentations to adults were also required.

Relevance to curriculum: Programmes of study for design and technology were covered, ability to work in teams, solve problems and developing production skills were demonstrated. They worked to tight timescales in industrial settings.

What pupil Helen Harrigan said: “Even though it was tiring, it was a responsibility I was glad to take on.”