New Online

16th December 2011, 12:00am


- Jazz FM has teamed up with PricewaterhouseCoopers to launch a UK education programme to teach jazz to underprivileged children in inner- city schools. JazzWorks consists of a day-long workshop on jazz music or dance for up to 30 pupils, with a concert in the evening.



- For a chemistry lesson on pollution, try a presentation and activity from Tinimoo. Alan_ Monaghan has shared a project outline for water and how it can lead to conflict. And for a biology investigation into air quality, try a starter and extension from mad.scientist.


- For S1-3, a multi-faith calendar shared by PhilippaHartley charts different religious festivals and celebrations throughout the year. Senior pupils can discuss the meaning behind celebrations, life and death, evil and suffering from a humanist perspective with a resource from Humanism for Schools.