
1st October 2010, 1:00am

The Royal Courts of Justice opened its doors to London pupils for a “mock trials” project in which children aged seven and upwards learned about the criminal justice system. Managed by the National Centre for Citizenship and the Law, and supported by the Foyle Foundation, the scheme saw more than 450 pupils from 13 London schools take part in interactive “trials” based on historical and contemporarry cases. The project aimed to demystify the law for children and develop good citizenship.

Actor, father of two and local resident John Thomson joined children, parents and staff for the opening of a new #163;780,000 Sure Start centre in Didsbury Park, Manchester.

The School for Profound Education in Tadworth, Surrey, held a ceremony for students who gained Accreditation for Life and Living certificates.

Primary pupils in Bothel, near Carlisle, are developing their emotional literacy through interacting with horses. In the equine-assisted learning scheme, the four-legged friends are used to teach children how to approach relationships and difficulties in their everyday lives.