Noticeboard;Events;Subject of the week;Mathematics

21st May 1999, 1:00am
* Order and chaos in action and tangent circles will be explored by Dr Frank Berkshire, Imperial College, London University, and professor Caroline Series, Warwick University, at The London Mathematical Society’s free 1999 popular lectures. They will show how objects like to float, tennis racquets spin and polyhedral dice come to rest and how “patterns of tangent circles have led to geometrical problems from ancient Greece to old Japan, but the full solution is a wonderful 20th-century idea”. Venues: Liverpool University, June 8, 2.30-5pm (contact Dr I R Porteous, tel: 0151 794 40664043. e-mail:

Strathclyde University, Glasgow, June 17, 2-4.30pm (Dr Penny Davies, tel: 0141 548 36473416 e-mail: London Institute of Education, WC1, June 22, 7-9.30pm (for free tickets send SAE to: Susan Oakes, LMS, De Morgan House, 57-58 Russell Square, London WC1B 4HP e-mail: * As part of the launch of the Birmingham numeracy strategy, a Mathematics Publishers and Resources Fair is planned for June 21 at the Martineau Education Centre, Balden Road, Harborne, Birmingham, 10am-6pm. Details: Birmingham Advisory and Support Servicetel: 0121 303 8080 * The numeracy hour is the subject of the Dorothy Gardner Memorial seminar being given by Dr Tim Roland, primary education specialist, at the London Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, WC1, on May 27, 5.30-7pm. It has been organised by the Child Development Society for teachers and other primary education professionals. Admission: pound;5, pound;1 teachers and students, CDS members free. Details: Annabel Lewis tel: 0181 850 3981.