Oh no, teacher’s bunked off again

1st August 2008, 1:00am

In the wider Ghanaian education system things aren’t so rosy, it would seem. In fact, it’s been brought to the attention of The TES that lesson-dodging among primary teachers has reached epidemic proportions.

Academics from the Ghana Centre for Democratic Development found nearly half were absent on five or more visits to schools by the research team over just one month.

Work-shirking was highest on a Monday, at 24 per cent, declined midweek and shot up to 40 per cent on a Friday. Clearly the mantra “Thursday is the new Friday” is well known in Accra town.

Amazingly, their absences seem to go largely unremarked by the authorities: nine out of 10 had not been warned about it in the past 12 months - which makes the odd “duvet day” look rather inoffensive.