
9th August 1996, 1:00am
Elisabeth Barratt Hacking, lecturer in geographical education at Bath University, has been appointed honorary editor of Teaching Geography, the Geographical Association’s journal for secondary teachers.

David Ashton and Elizabeth Ryan, both students at Blessed Thomas Holford Catholic High School, Altrincham, Cheshire, are the first 16-year-olds in Britain to achieve a full GNVQ intermediate award in art and design at key stage 4. David was awarded a distinction and Elizabeth a merit.

The University of Kent at Canterbury has awarded the following honorary degrees: doctor of letters to Reginald Colman, formerly head of Dover Boys’ Grammar School and a member of the University Council, and Franco Zeffirelli, cinema, theatre, television and opera director; doctor of science to Sir Peter Mansfield, formerly professor of physics, Nottingham University; and doctor of laws to Dame Rosalyn Higgins QC, judge of the international court of justice at the Hague and former University of Kent academic.

The Most Rev Maurice Couve de Murville, Archbishop of Birmingham, has been awarded an honorary doctorate of divinity by Newman College of Higher Education. Dr Joan Sylvia Hodson, a previous principal for 10 years, received an honorary life fellowship of Newman College, the first the college has awarded.