
20th October 2000, 1:00am
I WAS browsing through the UNESCO website when I happened on a page called “World Teachers Day: expanding horizons - 5th October 2000”, but in a toothcomb search of The TES (October 6) I failed to find even the smallest mention of it.

Are such events seen as of so little consequence to teachers in this country that no one bothers to alert the educational press? Or is it only people who surf the Internet who learn what’s really going on in the world outside?

The page I found was a letter wrtten in celebration of the efforts of teachers worldwide.

While it may well have been targeted at teachers much less fortunate than ourselves, its last paragraph was an appeal to the world community to support teachers.

The whole message is on www.unesco.orgeducationeducprogwtd_2000joint_message.htm I recommend teachers to read it and become part of the world teaching community.

It will expand their horizons.

Virginia Purchon

54 Gondar Gardens

London NW6