
24th September 2004, 1:00am
Visit a local fish and chip shop. Taste some cod and describe its taste.

* Survey the class’s favourite foods and make a bar chart of the top selections.

* Turn the home corner into a fish-and-chip shop.

* Discuss “harvesting” fish as part of the Harvest festival.

* Find out different ways of preserving food, eg freezing, pickling, salting, drying.

* Use “nets” to make 3-D shapes.

* Search “Google” images for “cod”. Use the pictures for close observational drawings or collages.

* Draw diagrams of cod and label the parts.

* Make “jointed” model fish from junk, using split pins.

* Sing “Three Little Fishes” (Down in the meadowI).

* Make a fishing game with cut-out fish, small magnets and string with paperclips attached to the end. Number the fish and use the “catch” for addition and subtraction.

* Work out a 10,000 times table: one codfish lays 10,000 eggs, two codfish lay 20,000 eggsI

* Use a map of the world to plot where cod arewere found.

* Compare the nutritional values of cod with those of other foods, eg burgers, sausages, soya.

* Play the card game, “Fish”.

Peter gordon