
24th October 2003, 1:00am
Literacy: read passages from Fantastic Voyage by Isaac Asimov. Write about experiences from the viewpoint of being small, for instance, Alice in Wonderland. Write a description of a nanobot. Find out about scale prefixes, eg nano, micro, kilo, mega.

Make longer words from shorter words, eg post + card = postcard. Study “nano-graphics” breaking letters and numbers down into their components.

Numeracy: count lots of small things such as a spoonful of rice. Work out how many grains would fill a bowl. Make charts of domestic appliances containing microchips.

Science: study the human circulatory system. Look at objects under the microscope.

Creativity: look at and create Pointillist pictures. Enlarge photographs on the computer and study the pixels. Collect and make models.