PSE - Anti-bullying’s winning ways

19th November 2010, 12:00am

The winners of an anti-bullying competition receive their prizes today at the Piping Centre in Glasgow. Entries included films, posters, poems and short stories, a flavour of which can be seen at Prizewinners include:

- Artistic category - Yejin Moon, Preston Street Primary, Edinburgh (winner); St Bride’s Primary, Bothwell (runner-up); Loch Primary, Rutherglen (special commendation);

- Creative writing - Erin Smith, Smallworld Out of School Club, Brechin (winner); Claudia Read, Prestwick Academy (runner-up); Rachael Brown, The Good Shepherd Centre, Bishopton (special commendation);

- Performance - Our Lady and St Patrick High, Dumbarton (winner); Bellahouston Academy, Glasgow (runner-up); John Ogilvie High, Hamilton (special commendation).

Respectme is Scotland’s anti-bullying service, funded by the Scottish Government; it works closely with the Scottish Association for Mental Health and LGBT Youth Scotland.