Qamp;A;Questions and answers;Your technical problems tackled

12th November 1999, 12:00am
I’ve lost an important Word document. It is on my hard disk but I can’t remember its file name so haven’t been able to track it down with Find. Is there another way to find it? - P Hampson, Doncaster You may still be able to use Find if you can remember one or more words or phrases in the document. Ideally these should be specific to it and not common to others.

In Find select Files or Folders from the cascade menu. The Find dialog box will appear. As you don’t know the file name, click into the second box ContainingText and then type in the word or phrase you know to be somewhere in the document. To ensure the machine doesn’t conduct an extended search of all files on your hard disk click on the Advanced tab at the top of the dialog box and select the Of type option. From the pop-up list that appears select Microsoft Word Document. When you click the Find Now button all the Word files that meet the criteria you stipulated will be displayed and, hopefully your “missing” file will be among them.

Questions are answered by Les Watson.

If you have any questions you can’t solve, write to Qamp;A, TES Online, Admiral House, 66-68 East Smithfield, London E1 9XY or email: