Research corner

2nd January 2015, 12:00am

Did school food and nutrient-based standards in England impact on 11- 12-year-olds’ nutrient intake at lunchtime and in total diet?” by Spence, S, Delve, J, Stamp, E et al

Plos One, November 2014

When the new national curriculum for England was launched last year, there was much discussion of the new focus on food education - both within design and technology and as part of the School Food Plan. This was the continuation of an educational focus on nutrition that began with the introduction of new school food standards between 2006 and 2009.

It is those food standards that a team from Newcastle University looked at, to see whether the implementation of rules for school lunches had had any beneficial impact on diet and nutrient intake. Concentrating on six schools in the Northumberland area, the researchers compared food diaries from two groups of 11- and 12-year-olds - one in 1999-2000 and the other in 2009-10 - as well as interviews about their food choices and portion sizes.

The academics found that take-up of school meals had declined by the second sample - primarily among middle-class parents, who cited reasons such as “value for money” and the desire to provide children with something “cheaper” and “less risky”.

As the researchers put it: “School lunches have the potential to improve children’s dietary intake, but only if they are consumed.”

In addition, the study finds “limited evidence” of an impact from the 2006 food standards on total diet.

This, in conjunction with the report’s conclusion that “improvements are needed in the nutritional content of both school lunches and home-packed lunches”, might strengthen the government’s hand in its implementation of the School Food Plan.

If this research is to be believed, it’s a change that is sorely needed to tackle the issue of childhood obesity.

Sarah Cunnane

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