Results of twins are a perfect match

12th August 2005, 1:00am
Identical twins taking identical courses at the same college have obtained identical distinctions in their end of year exams.

Chris and Matt Packer have been inseparable all their lives. Now both have passed their foundation art and design course at East Surrey college with distinction.

They also studied the same A-level subjects at school, and plan to go to the same university, the Surrey Institute, to study the same degree, a BA (Hons) in graphic communications.

But though the 19-year-olds both took the same course, the twins insist that they have different artistic styles.

Matt said: “Chris’s work involves the computer more than mine. He loves digital art and using all of the software packages to create images from scratch or manipulate photos or drawings.

“I’m more interested in the hands-on stuff - more traditional I suppose - using mixed media for printmaking.”

The duo’s double success has highlighted the fact that it is much easier to get onto degree courses at some universities if you have taken a vocational course at college first.

The Packers discovered that a foundation art course was almost mandatory to get into a suitable university quite by accident whilst they were in the upper sixth at school. Chris said: “We heard about the foundation art course but no one said how important it was. It wasn’t until we started actively looking at universities that we discovered that we really had to do it.

“We were both out to get the best grades possible and we have encouraged each other to achieve, and I think when we get to university we’ll do the same.”

Bobbi Smith, their lecturer at East Surrey college, explained: “The foundation art course is a diagnostic course: it sorts out which area of art and design a student should be heading for. Fine art is very different to product design. It consists of a ten-week introduction to different kinds of art, from sculpture to photography, then there is a period of review.

“Once the desired pathway is chosen, the student spends the rest of the course developing their specialism.”