On the road to ..

The Higher exam can be tiring for pupils with just a 10-minute break between the theory and practical papers, but this year the paper was fair and pitched at the right level, said Lesley Cameron, a business studies teacher at St Ninian’s High in East Renfrewshire
20th June 2008, 1:00am
The Higher exam can be tiring for pupils with just a 10-minute break between the theory and practical papers, but this year the paper was fair and pitched at the right level, said Lesley Cameron, a business studies teacher at St Ninian’s High in East Renfrewshire.

She was pleased with the case study in the first section of Paper 1. “It was to do with leadership, teamwork, recruitment and selection. It acted as a good stimulus and focused their minds on what was going to be asked.”

In the second section, pupils have to select two out of a possible five questions. Ms Cameron was pleased with the choices. “Areas covered included meetings, customer service and time management.”

Paper 2, the computer-based problem-solving paper, which tests pupils knowledge of word processing, databases and spreadsheets, required pupils to take on the role of an admin assistant for Tayforth Caravans, making the arrangements for caravans to be bought, sold and serviced.