Sci-Fi London, Apollo, West End

Festival. Few things are as polarising as science fiction movies
25th April 2008, 1:00am


Few things are as polarising as science fiction movies. If the concept makes you think of Comic Book Guy in The Simpsons, then look away now - this is probably not for you. If, on the other hand, your eyeballs pop out and run around on their own with anticipation at the idea of a weekend- long festival of wall-to-wall sci-fi movies with titles such as The Ambassador’s Brain and Eel Girl, then you’re in luck.

The seventh annual Sci-Fi London will be at the Apollo West End in London from April 30 to May 4, and everything you could ask will be there in celluloid form. Time travel? Check. Sorcery? Affirmative. Bringing people back from the grave? Repeatedly. Faces turning into lava? I’d have thought so.

Officially titled the London International Festival of Science Fiction and Fantastic Film, there’s sword-and-sorcery Russian-style (Wolfhound) and, as you might imagine, quite a lot from Japan, including something called Dainippon-Jin (Big Japan Man). And, should anyone attending the festival have children, there’s a screening of The Wizard Of Oz.

But lest we think that sci-fi is only about SFX and CGI, the Sci-fi Film School will focus on the importance of the story and script by examining the splendidly-titled Night of the Hell Hamsters (count us in). Oh, and there’s a pub quiz, though in a cinema not a pub. Beam me up