Science and a subtle message;Letter

25th June 1999, 1:00am
We read about the Graduate Teacher Programme designed to increase the number of science teachers. We had a head of science who was keen to be involved, and is experienced in mentoring PGCE students from various partner university education departments.

So she rang Timeplan for details, but was somewhat taken aback to be told that we do not qualify: we do not teach physics, chemistry or biology as separate sciences; we do teach NEAB science. We don’t teach A-level in the sixth form; we do teach GNVQ.

I wondered if it was because we are an upper (secondary modern) school. But when we advertised in The TES, we had 20 enquiries.

Is intention and realisation adrift here? Or am I missing some subtle message?

L J Smales Headteacher Burnham Upper School Burnham, Buckinghamshire