Serve it up shaken, not stirred

25th February 2000, 12:00am
ANY shake-up in the primary-secondary interface has “big implications for teacher training and the General Teaching Council, but maybe now is the time to open this issue”.

Aberdeenshire’s answer is a bold new cocktail. Michael White, the council’s director, says. “A different way of training teachers would mean you could literally teach anybody. Anywhere, any time - the Martini approach to teacher education.”

Mr White adds: “Training policies are continuing to produce more of the same. They are not producing peoplewho could teach mathematics, or teach number, or teach music right across the age-group.

“Nobody has come forward with any kind of training programme which says: ‘Here is the subject. Here is the knowledge, the depth of subject, and here is the way you can teach it to anybody regardless of their age or their ability.’ That’s where we have gone wrong.”

His conclusion is stark. “If we are really serious about a world-class education system, we are not going to get it if we carry on with more of the same.”