The shopping list

7th July 2000, 1:00am
Name: Laura Wynne

Position: deputy headteacher, Argyll primary, King’s Cross, north London

Q If you had David Blunkett’s budget what would your priority be?

A I would provide free school meals (including breakfast) for all children. Alongside this would run a free, broad and balanced out-of-school-hours arts, ICT and study support programme run by trained professionals. Equality of oppportunity and access for young children is far from being addressed nationally.

Q If you had a blank cheque for your own school what wuld you buy?

A I’d buy in half a day’s supply cover a week for each teacher so they could: a) have time to listen to children and b) have realistic designated assessment and planning time.

Q What treat would you buy yourself?

A A state-of-the-art “minimalist” storage system for my flat so I could hide all my school-related resources away. Oh, and someone to do my filing for me.

Laura Wynne was talking to Reva Klein. If you would like to publish a shopping list for education, please e-mail