
17th September 1999, 1:00am
Webmonkey for Kids http:www.hotwired.comwebmonkeykids Subtitled “the fun way to build websites,” this is the junior version of Webmonkey, the “how-to” site which is used by more professional web designers than would probably admit to it.

The site’s colourful, step-by-step lessons in page construction are models of interactive instructional technique. They make the whole business seem remarkably simple.

There’s enough here to allow computer-literate pre-teens to teach themselves the basics. Before long, they will migrate to other parts of the Webmonkey site where they can check out their hexadecimal colour codes or gen up on JavaScript.

There’s also advice for teachers and parents which - optimistically - urges them to keep “one step ahead” of their charges.

Global Statistics This is another of those one-shot reference sources in which the Internet abounds. It is the sort of site that will resolve all those annoying questions about countries, capital cities and populations.

Such as, what is the fifth tallest volcano in the world? (Tupungatito, Chile 18,499ft) or, how many Catholics are there? (1,058,069,000); or where will London be in the world’s biggest city charts in 2015? (not even in the top 25).

Its limited scope and simple design mean you can get to the required information quickly. Sources are always quoted and often hyperlinked for deeper research.

Bill Hicks