On the spot

13th January 2006, 12:00am
Catherine Howarth, deputy head, Lixwm Primary School, Flintshire

The Oasis in Space show gave a real feeling for how big the universe is and the part we play in it. It was much better for the children than reading about the subject, because we saw it, we lived it, we travelled through it.

Spaceport fitted in well with the work we’re doing on the Sun, Moon and stars, but I’d say the children need an adult to guide them, otherwise they’ll just run round and push buttons, so it was good to have an astrophysicist on hand. I think it’s best to go in with a plan about what you want to get out of the visit. The worksheets were good, and you can use them before or after the visit. The working models were very good. For example, there was a feather in a vacuum which drooped like a lead weight, which you could never do in the classroom, and the Sun and Moon model helped explain the phases of the Moon. I’d recommend a pre-visit because there’s so much there. The Schools Observatory website is fantastic, and I’d suggest teachers use that if they can’t get to Spaceport.

On the map

Spaceport Victoria Place, Seacombe, Wallasey, Wirral CH44 6QY

Tel: 0151 330 1333

Email: info@spaceport.org.uk

