Staffordshire - Pupils ‘marry’ for the sake of RE

29th May 2009, 1:00am

Two bashful five-year-olds at a primary school were united in fictitious matrimony this week.

Ashleigh Grey and Ben Seaman, both Year 2 pupils, were joined for better or worse, richer or poorer - at least until they got bored with each other and wanted to play with someone else instead.

The “marriage” took place at their local church in front of all pupils at Hutchinson Memorial First School in Stoke-on-Trent. The children’s parents were present and the father of the “bride” gave her away.

Ashleigh, who wore white, was attended by bridesmaids and pageboys, while ushers showed guests to their seats. Ben wore a smart suit with buttonhole.

After the service, the bridal party returned to school for a formal reception in the school hall. Nursery nuptials formed part of an RE project designed to teach Year 2 pupils about Christian weddings. ab.