Summer reading

13th July 2007, 1:00am

Barsail Primary, Renfrewshire

During the month of July, I don’t think about school at all not in the slightest. And I read as much fiction as I possibly can because I don’t have that luxury during term-time.

I enjoy historical novels. At present I’m reading Whispers in the Sand by Barbara Erskine. It’s about a great-grandmother who went to Egypt in the 19th century and left a diary. Her great-grandchild decides to follow in her footsteps. If I like an author, I’ll tend to buy a lot of their work I’ve read four of Barbara Erskine’s novels.

Margaret Thomson Davis, a Scottish writer who lives in Glasgow, is another author I admire. She’s got a funny way of writing and takes everyday situations and builds round them.

James Patterson is another favourite. His crime books are great if you want a quick read they don’t require much thought.

By August, I’m beginning to think in school mode. The big initiative just now is obviously A Curriculum for Excellence, so I’ll make sure I’m up to date with planning for next session.