The Survivor by Sarah Willis

30th May 1997, 1:00am
The Survivor. The others have been so calm like pebbles from the ocean Humans come from towns and crowded cities just to club me and my family.

I look around and what do I see?

Dead bodies by my feet.

While fur slowly turns to red, all my family lying still I have survived! I feel so sad now the humans’ day has been fulfilled


One of the most inspiring things about poems by young people is the way they speak out, with seriousness and passion, about the world. In this week’s poem, 13 year old Sarah Willis from Senacre Technology College in Maidstone directs her fire towards the casual cruelty of humans towards animals. I like the subtle rhymes in her poem which add to its sombre feel: calmocean, seefeet, redsad, stillfulfilled.

This term’s TES Young Poet of the Week is still only at the half-way point, so please send work by your students. And thank you to the many teachers who have already submitted such quantities of lively poems. Reading all the entries has left me delighted by the quality of work going on in schools all over the country.

Jo Shapcott is the Poetry Society’s poet on the internet: http.www.Poetry

* Sarah Willis, aged 13, receives Fatso in a Red Suit by Matthew Sweeney (Faber). Submitted by Mrs M V Fazakerley of Senacre Technology College, Sutton Road, Maidstone, Kent ME15 9DT, who receives a set of Poetry Society posters with teachers’ notes. For Poetry Society events, telephone 0171 240 2133.