TES Young Poet Of The Week

24th March 1995, 12:00am
Michael Rosen takes over as Guest Poet next term. Well-known as a writer and broadcaster, he regularly visits schools and runs poetry workshops. He is the author of numerous anthologies for children and teenagers, as well as Did I Hear Your Write?, a book for teachers and parents about encouraging children’s imaginative writing; The Chatto Book of Dissent with David Widgery; and the Penguin Book of Childhood. Michael Rosen’s first selection will appear on April 28.

Please submit poems, up to 20 lines, by March 31 to The TES Young Poet, Admiral House, 66 - 68 East Smithfield, London E1 9XY, with the name and address of the school, the name and age of the pupil and the teacher’s name. We regret that submitted work cannot be returned.

BYLINE:By Adam Corrigan, 10, who receives Chasing the Sun; a journey around the world in verse (Simon and Schuster), edited by Sally Bacon. Submitted by Janet Harrison of Thirsk County Primary School, North Yorkshire, who receives the Poetry Society teachers’ newsletter.

A mark of a good potion (or poem) is the care and selectivity of the ingredients. It’s important that there should be odd juxtapositions - such as “My English book And a poodle’s nose” - and unexpected ingredients. I was glad to encounter Ares there, and to note the control of the poem as a whole, as well as its elegant nastiness.

Potion I’m making a potion To turn teachers to snails.

And the best thing of all - They’ll have worms as their tails.

I’ll put in my brew Salamanders’ toes My English book And a poodle’s nose.

To flavour it I’ll add A hydra’s groan, Its poisonous breath And a dinosaur bone.

I conjured up Ares, The god of war, And asked him to give me A dragon’s claw.

Now my spell’s ready It smells really gross I’ll give my teacher A very big dose.