TESpro links and references - 130412

All the weblinks and references from the April 13 2012 edition of TESpro in one place
13th April 2012, 1:00am


“Flattening” the classroom, and other global approaches to teaching

For more information about the Flat Classroom Project visit http:www.flatclassroomproject.org. Flattening Classrooms by Julie Lindsay and Vicki A Davis is published by Pearson

E-twinning from the British Council

Free online partner-finding and collaboration tools, designed to motivate your students, improve key skills and cultural awareness, bring ICT into all curriculum areas and help you achieve the International School Award.


Our digital culture

This forum is a space where schools can “explore the nature of multimedia stories, hyperfiction and collaborative writing in the education of young people and of adults”. The project is designed to find ways to explore how technology can support social interaction and learning


The Schools Linking Network

A national charity, which supports schools and other organisations across England to explore identity, diversity, equality and community. Its work is focused on four key questions: “Who am I? Who are we? Where do we live? How do we all live together.”



Tom Bennett’s blog


To pose your questions to our behaviour experts, add a new thread here: www.tes.co.ukbehaviour


For more information on The British Schools Karting Championship visit:


The Matthew Moss high school scheme is featured in the Innovation Unit’s report 10 Schools for 21st Century.



To pose questions to the TESpro Career Clinic, visit: www.tes.co.ukcareerclinic


Different professional pathways

Rethinking the importance of teaching: curriculum and collaboration in an era of localism, by Louise Thomas, RSA senior researcher


The Importance of Teaching: DfE White Paper, 2010



To contact the editor of TESpro, email: michael.shaw@tes.co.uk