Top 10

11th January 2013, 12:00am

Position, direction and movement

Help pupils tell left from right with these resources.

Animals in position

Pupils can practise positional language by drawing animals in different poses.

2D shape scheme of work

Pupils should understand positions and directions after this four-day unit of work.

Pirate worksheet

Identify pirates’ positions in this swashbuckling activity.

Where is Dave?

Pupils complete the sentences using positional vocabulary.

Ducks, ducks and more ducks

Get pupils cutting out and pasting pictures of ducks to show that they understand positional language.

Toys: left and right

A chart with popular toys and characters, which children can use to practise identifying left and right.

Shapes: position game

Shapes in a grid - ask children to describe their positions.

Position labels

A set of 10 labels with position words and picture examples.

Compass game

A practical outdoor activity using compass points to locate activity stations.

Coordinates Treasure Map

A simple treasure map activity.

For these resources and more, check out the TES Maths: Position, Direction and Movement collection. bit.lyPrimaryPositions.