Troublesome teenagers

15th November 2002, 12:00am
Help is at hand for parents driven to distraction by the antics of their own version of Kevin the Teenager (male or female). The Trust for the Study of Adolescence has published a guide, by journalist Brigid McConville, after getting many calls from parents unsure where to go for information or help.

“A lot of parents don’t always know what is wrong with their teenagers and are finding them difficult to live with,” says the trust, with disarming understatement. The guide includes lists of agencies and advice on abuse, bereavement, bullying, eating disorders, addiction and mental health.

Where to look for help: a guide for parents and carers of teenagers, price pound;14.95, plus 10 per cent pamp;p; special price for parents: pound;7.48, free pamp;p. or contact Publications Department, TSA Ltd, 23 New Road, Brighton, BN1 1WZ