Wanted: deaf teachers;Newsround

29th October 1999, 1:00am
Deaf people thinking about becoming teachers will have a chance to taste life at the chalkface. A course run by the National Deaf Children’s Society and the Teacher Training Agency will give up to 30 people a one-day briefing session followed by a two-day work placement, accompanying qualified teachers of the deaf in their classroom duties.

The course was developed in response both to the difficulties that schools have in recruiting qualified teachers of the deaf and the problems experienced by deaf people who want to break into the profession. Its aim is to give prospective teachers an insight into what the job involves as well as guidance and advice on how to follow this career path.

* The briefing session will take place in central London in November or December. For more details, contact Helga McGilp, NDCS, 15 Dufferin Street, London EC1Y 8UR. Telminicom: 0171 490 8656. Email: helgandcs.org.uk