We can be a skills nation

The apprenticeships and skills minister sets out his ambitions for FE and how colleges can help to make them a reality
18th November 2016, 12:00am

This week, college leaders across the country came together for the Association of Colleges’ annual conference.

I know how important the AoC is to further education, and without it our colleges wouldn’t be as good as they are.

FE is playing a vital role in driving social justice. Great colleges across the country reach people that other parts of the education system can’t, ensuring that, no matter your background or where you’re from, you can get a foot on the ladder of opportunity.

It is essential that we champion FE: it is one of the most important tools we have to give millions of people education, skills and jobs for the future.

Quite aptly, Thursday’s theme at the conference - the day I gave my speech - focused on apprenticeships. I’ve been passionate about apprenticeships since before I was even elected, so I’m very proud that, as apprenticeships and skills minister, I have been given the opportunity to be able to work hard and make sure everyone has access to the skills they need.

I have been working tirelessly to ensure we are building an apprenticeship scheme that is the best it can be. We have invested in the UK’s future by doubling funding for apprenticeships to £2.5 billion by 2019-20 - twice what was spent in 2010-11.

Five priorities

I have five priorities to tackle the challenges facing FE and skills:

1. I want to increase the prestige of technical and further education. 

2. I want to ensure we meet the skills needs of the nation.

3. I want FE to play a role in improving social mobility and help those from disadvantaged backgrounds to get on the ladder of opportunity.

4. I want to support and encourage leadership and financial stability in FE institutions.

5. I want to work with you to make sure that the quality of further and technical education is the best that it can be.

If we achieve all of this, we will change the lives of people up and down Britain. So let’s celebrate FE and make Britain the skills nation that we need it to be.

Robert Halfon is apprenticeships and skills minister and tweets as @halfon4harlowMP