Welsh bac gets them talking

5th May 2006, 1:00am
Learning a language is all about being able to order some tapas at a beach bar in the Costa del Sol.

So says Gareth Hall-Williams, assistant head of Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Plasmawr, in Cardiff.

And he is proud to say it is something all of his Welsh baccalaureate students would now be able to do, thanks to the bac’s language module.

However, he would also like them to be able to order their preferred sushi selection in a Kaiten sushi-ya in Japan - a bar where plates of sushi pass in front of customers on a conveyor belt.

Mr Hall-Williams said: “Learning a language was something I did not master, so I am particularly eager that my students won’t be left wishing they had.

“I’m going to Spain soon and I’ve bought a phrase book for the basics - it’s sad really.”

The language module forms part of baccalaureate students’ studies under Wales, Europe and the world. At Ysgol Plasmawr, students take the option during a week long crash-course. At the end, they tried out their new language skills at a continental fayre, with national dress and authentic cuisine.