What the teachers say: Threshold bids

9th June 2000, 1:00am
Ann Chadwick, teaches pupils with dyslexia at Oakwood school, Horley, Surrey: “The form was extremely difficult to complete and has taken up a lot of my time, which I resented - time I would normally use on lesson preparations and evaluations.

“My colleagues and I spent a whole day going through the application form trying to reduce and justify our teaching in a few words. I am 51 and I applied because I think I have earned it. Moreover, it is every teacher’s entitlement and everyone should get the payment, not just teachers on this particular threshold.”

Robert Burley, science teacher at Southam school, Southam, Warwickshire: “I was encouraged to change my mind about applying for the threshold payment by colleagues who convinced me that it was an opportunity we could not afford to miss. But you have to question why you have to justify having extra money we all deserve. Hopefully the vast majority who apply will be fortunate.”

Jennifer Markland, teaches Year 1 at St Peters primary school, Southwark, London: “I spent the holiday completing the form, which I can’t say was user friendly.

It would have been easier to give us a pay rise rather than put us through the bother of having to apply for something we have earned.

“I am the only teacher at school who is eligible to apply but I think everyone deserves the threshold payment because there is not one teacher in this school who is not giving 110 per cent.”

Paula Owen, special needs co-ordinator at Southam school: “I found it difficult to fill the form in because my role is to work with the whole school.

“In a school like ours working as a team is crucial to children’s success but this situation is being imposed on us and we have to see it as positive and we will be rewarded financially.

“If staff are unsuccessful ... (there should be) a positive structure to ensure they are in future.”

Join the threshold debate on The TES website at at Over To You on www.tes.co.uk.