Where is cash for lecturer pay rises?

3rd March 2000, 12:00am
DAVID MELVILLE of the Further Education Funding Council has said increased budgets will allow colleges to address the huge disparities which have opened up between the pay of college teachers and other professionals.

The problem is that FEFC funding does not include any amount earmarked for pay increases for academic staff.

It is true that there will be a cash injection into the sector before inflation of 5.8 per cent in 2001 and 10.2 per cent in 2002 But all this money is allocated to xtra students, student support, new technology, capital projects and improving standards.

On top of the figures I have highlighted above, there is in fact less than 1 per cent increase in FEFC funding next year (2001-2) to fund inflation, increments and any pay increases.

Can he explain to me how this will enable colleges to pay lecturers decently?

David Robinson

Lecturers Employment Advice and Action Fellowship

126 St Augustine’s Avenue

Thorpe Bay, Essex