Word games

18th November 2005, 12:00am
SPORTS MINDED. 1 All the following are anagrams of famous sportsmen or women - take the initial letters of their first names and mix them up to find another sportsman: WARYUNDERARM; REFERREDOGRE; MOLLYSHEKEL; SMELLINGNEAL; HORNYKITCAT; WAFFLEDINFRONT; SITMONKEY; AVISUALREAD; SPINONLABOUR;

2 Find the correct synonym for the first word - then add or subtract the letters given to find anagrams of some more sportsmen: Excursions - U + O Boxer (3, 5); Petrol - E + N = Rugby league player (4, 4); Eases - V + N Golfer (5, 3); Canadian province + H = Cricketer (3, 6); Calming drugs + V = Snooker player (5, 5); Compulsory - R + S = Footballer (5, 5)

3 EEE-AAAO: Which premiership footballer has 3 E’s in his first name and 3 A’s in his surname?

Mark Nyman (Answers next week).

pound;20 book token for the first correct answers to be opened on Tuesday.

Send to wordgames@tes.co.uk

or Wordgames, TES, Admiral House, 66-68 East Smithfield, London E1W 1BX.

Answers to last week’s game: 1 Robert de Niro, Dustin Hoffman, Meryl Streep, Bill Murray, Alan Rickman, Angelina Jolie, Liam Neeson, Orlando Bloom, Nicole Kidman, Richard Gere, Nicolas Cage, Oliver Tobias.

Initial letters R,D,M,B,A,A,L,O,N,R,N,O give Marlon Brando.

2 Sweate(r) + M = Mae West Pennan(t)s + E = Sean Penn; Co(m)plain + A = Al Pacino; Bloomers + K = Mel Brooks; Customer + I = Tom Cruise; Terminates + V = Steve Martin

3 It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World!

Winner: EM Lowry, Cambridge