Word games

7th April 2006, 1:00am
FRUIT + VEG 1 All the following are anagrams of either fruits or vegetables - take the initial letters of the answers and mix them up to find another fruit:FIGURETRAP; MOTTOA; DERRYREBEL; ANGORE; PELTGANG; PLANEPIPE; PATRICO; DRAINMAN; TRAUMANB; ENTRANCEI; DOOCAVA

2 Find the correct synonym for the first words - then add or subtract the letters given to find anagrams of some more fruits or vegetables: Statement - A + O (7); Patron - N + U (7); Nips - E + A (7); Yanking - J +

* (7); Trust - N + C (8); Emission - I + W (9); Coming in + A (9)

(Answers next week)

pound;20 book token for the first correct answers to be opened on Tuesday.

Send to wordgames@tes.co.uk

or Wordgames, TES, Admiral House, 66-68 East Smithfield, London E1W 1BX. 1 T.S.Eliot, June Jordan, Wilfred Owen, Pablo Neruda, Ben Jonson, Ogden Nash, Paul Eluard, John Milton, Dylan Thomas, Matthew Arnold, Ted Hughes, William Blake.

Surname initials E, J, O, N, J, N, E, M, T, A, H, B give John Betjeman.

2 Pla(n)t + H = Plath; Rankl(e) + I = LarkinS(c)reens + P = Spenser; Cha(n)cer + U = Chaucer; Thawin(g) + M = Whitman; Cleaner + W = Lawrence; Partakes + N = Pasternak.

Last week’s winner: G Kerr of Well Green, Glasgow