Third of children say teachers do not talk enough about bullying

And yet almost two-thirds have come across bullying, new survey finds
10th November 2017, 12:03am


Third of children say teachers do not talk enough about bullying

More than a third of children feel their teachers do not talk enough about what to do if they are bullied at school, a new poll suggests.

And yet almost two-thirds (64 per cent) of children have come across someone being bullied because they were different, according to the survey.

The poll, of more than 1,500 children in England, found that over half worry about being seen as “different” from others and two-fifths would hide aspects of themselves for fear of being bullied.

The survey, from the Anti-Bullying Alliance at the National Children’s Bureau, reveals that 36 per cent of children think their teachers do not do enough to educate them about bullying.

In light of these findings, campaigners are urging schools to celebrate what makes pupils unique during Anti-Bullying Week - which starts on Monday.

CBeebies star Andy Day, Anti-Bullying Week patron, is getting schools and early years settings to celebrate being unique by asking children to wear odd socks to school.

Martha Evans, Coordinator of the Anti-Bullying Alliance, said: “This poll shows that some children are worried about being themselves for fear of bullying. They worry about many things that might make them “stand out” including their appearance, disability, culture, or religion.

“It is so important that we learn to celebrate the things that make us all different, and are clear that it is never OK to bully someone.”

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