Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown

School leaders’ workloads can swallow up their lives, even on Christmas Day. So is it time for your phone to have an `accident’?
20th December 2013, 12:00am


Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown


As a headteacher married to another, it doesn’t surprise me that the results of a survey out this week show that more than half of school leaders have done school-related work on Christmas Day. It is shocking, but definitely not surprising.

I can’t imagine that many school leaders get through any day without one issue or another straying into their minds, preoccupying them as they scan from best-case to worst-case scenario, plotting and fretting in equal measure. The BlackBerry doesn’t seem to know what day it is, and winks away throughout weekends and holidays, just as it does during the school week.

So what is on school leaders’ minds? Well, these are just some of the issues that torment me when I’m away from school.

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