Percentages of AmountsQuick View

Percentages of Amounts

This powerpoint teaches learners how to calculate simple and then more complex percentages of amounts. It contains finisher questions for both which can be used as a means of formative assessment. It also contains a set of three questions sets which are differentiated by stars to challenge all learners.
Converting Fractions to decimals and percentagesQuick View

Converting Fractions to decimals and percentages

A lesson all ready to go. The objective for pupils is to use their knowledge of equivalent fractions to develop an understanding of the links between percentages and decimals. Stater activity checks understanding of comparing two fractions through equivalent fractions. The first main part of the lesson uses knowledge of equivalent fractions to convert fractions to decimals and percentages by converting to an equivalent fraction out of 100. Pupils then learn to convert fractions to decimals and percentages through using short division, introducing recurring decimals. Pupils then practice applying their new knowledge to ordering a mixture of fractions, decimals and percentages. And finally pupils review their learning through Fractions decimals and percentages BINGO. Feedback Appreciated
Percentage of Amounts Differentiated Worksheet with AnswersQuick View

Percentage of Amounts Differentiated Worksheet with Answers

Suitable for both Key stage 3 and 4. This worksheet is designed to help pupils revise percentages of amounts. The worksheet is fully differentiated (mild, medium spicy, hot and challenge) allowing pupils to work at different levels simultaneously. The challenge section asks pupils to apply their knowledge on percentages of amounts to answer a GCSE worded question. The worksheet also features a section for pupils to self-assess their understanding and set a target for next lesson. Answers included which can be projected directly onto the smart board.
PercentagesQuick View


The full set consists of 27 worksheets which guide the pupil slowly through the process of understanding what a percentage is and then using their knowledge to calculate percentages. This resource has been used very successfully in a PRU for KS3 pupils who needed to go back to basics.
PercentagesQuick View


Demonstrating how 10% can be used to find 20%, 30% etc Also how finding a percentage of 100 can be used to find the same percentage of 200, 300 etc
KS2/KS3 Maths: PercentagesQuick View

KS2/KS3 Maths: Percentages

6 Resources
Percentages lessons designed for pupils learning percentages. Highly visual to support pupils understanding of percentages.
PercentagesQuick View


Percentage of Amount, Fantastic resource on Percentage of an Amount (Percentage of a Quantity) Great resource for quick fire revision or whole lesson, lots of questions with answers. Very well differentiated through out. Lots of questions, 44 slides. Colourful interactive and engaging. All questions come with in depth answers. Each slide is differentiated. Percentage of amount (differentiated) Percentage increase and decrease questions also. Ideal for GCSE Maths, GCSE Mathematics, or any International Curriculum.
PercentagesQuick View


10 Resources
A bundle of resources linked to percentages.
Decimals, Percentages & Fractions Target BoardsQuick View

Decimals, Percentages & Fractions Target Boards

Set of 3 target boards with questions that can be used as whole class starter activities, or for groups of students to work their way through to master Fractions, Decimals and Percentages and how they might relate to each other. Questions ask students to order, convert, multiply, compare and divide the decimals, percentages and fractions that they are presented with. Work your way through the three sheets to talk about equivalences too. Some example questions: Add as many decimals as you like to make 1 Order the decimals from smallest to largest How many different ways can you make 1? Would you prefer 20% of £75 or 75% of £20? Jimmy scores 12 out of 20 on a test - what is this as a percentage? Convert all percentages to decimals Find the largest fraction on the board Choose three random fractions and add them together
Fraction decimal and percentage equivalentsQuick View

Fraction decimal and percentage equivalents

This is a lesson that I used to teach my year 6 class about converting between fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents . The lesson starts off with a starter on multiplying and dividing by 100. It then offers opportunities for teacher modelling. Next, there are slides with differentiated practice questions for the class to do on their whiteboards. The answers are on the next slides so that you can quickly check their work. On the penultimate slide, there is the Learning Objective and a challenge to complete once they’ve finished their work. Worksheets are differentiated for LAs, MAs, HAs and HHAs. I have included the answers for worksheets too to make teacher marking easier or for you to give to your class to mark their own work!
An introduction to percentagesQuick View

An introduction to percentages

It explains what a percentage is, how to convert a percentage to a fraction and a decimal and how to find simple percentages of amounts.
PercentagesQuick View


Workbook on percentages. Includes worksheets on percentage increase/decrease, finding percentages of an amount and word problems on percentages. Includes answers. Suitable for upper KS2/KS3 students.
PercentagesQuick View


10 Resources
All my resources on Percentages. Lessons, revision lessons and worksheets at a discounted price.
PercentagesQuick View


Percentages This product includes 12 math scavenger hunt problems/posters to be posted around the room. A record sheet for students to use as they answer the questions is also included. This review focuses on problems relating finding percentages. The scavenger hunt format of this activity really motivated my students! I hope you also enjoy using this in your classroom!
PercentagesQuick View


Percentages This product includes 10 math scavenger hunt problems/posters to be posted around the room. A record sheet for students to use as they answer the questions is also included. This review focuses on problems relating to finding percentages. The scavenger hunt format of this activity really motivated my students! I hope you also enjoy using this in your classroom!
PercentagesQuick View


A worksheet on expressing one quantity as a percentage of another, increasing or decreasing an amount by a percentage and finding the percentage change given the initial and final amounts. Detailed solutions are included. From
PercentagesQuick View


3 Resources
Mixed questions on percentages as a revision or review at the end of a unit Introduction to percentages of amount BIDMAS for year 7 or low ability All as smart notebook files
Percentages.Quick View


Colourful, amazing differentiated worksheet on solving percentages of quantities. Good for revision, homework or as a test.