Spanish Grammar Escape RoomQuick View

Spanish Grammar Escape Room

A very fun lesson to boost grammatical understanding in Spanish following the popular Escape Room format. Barely any preparation time is required from the teacher. It includes a series of tasks covering a range of GCSE topics (school, local area, holidays and world of work) where students need to apply their knowledge of the present, preterite, present perfect, imperfect, conditional and future tenses of both regular and irregular verbs whilst developing their reading and translation skills covering different CGSE themes. This Escape Room has the perfect level of challenge to prepare them well for their exam and develop their grammatical skills. The lesson includes a vocabulary bank and a grammar knowledge organiser, to support students, making it accessible to all KS4 and AS students. A very enjoyable lesson to develop team work, which includes regular progress checks so that teachers can consistently check understanding and progress. Instructions in English and Spanish for both teachers and students as well as answers included.
GCSE Spanish writing exam. Last minute tips and advice. Includes practice activities + model answersQuick View

GCSE Spanish writing exam. Last minute tips and advice. Includes practice activities + model answers

The perfect powerpoint to prepare your students for their writing Spanish paper, both Foundation and Higher. 25 slides that include guidance on how to complete the test successfully, as well as vocabulary and grammar practice for the most common topics and bullet points. Model answers and practice are also included for translation, picture description, crossover and higher questions. ¡Buena suerte! :)
The most useful tenses at GCSE. Exam skill based retrieval practice. Spanish Curriculum recoveryQuick View

The most useful tenses at GCSE. Exam skill based retrieval practice. Spanish Curriculum recovery

A Spanish grammar booklet that covers the most common tenses at GCSE: Imperfect Preterite Present perfect Present Present continuous Near future Simple future Conditional But, IT IS NOT ONLY A GRAMMAR BOOKLET! Apart from an explanation on the uses and formation of each tense, it includes: -Time expressions linked to each tense -Some mnemonics to remember how to form them -Drilling activities to practise the tense formation -GCSE style tasks Each tense also includes: -Translations (English- Spanish and viceversa) -A list with “bullet points” from the Spanish writing GCSE where students will have to use the specific tense. The bullet points cover different topics, which makes it perfect to review vocabulary whilst developing exam techniques. Answers are included and also model answers for each bullet point! They could be used both as a starting point for students to write their own answer and as translation practice. Un cuadernillo de gramática, que cubre los tiempos verbales más comunes en clase de ELE: -Imperfecto -Pretérito -Presente perfecto -Presente -Presente continuo -Futuro próximo -Futuro simple -Condicional ¡Pero atención! NO ES SÓLO UN CUADERNILLO DE GRAMÁTICA! Aquí, además de la los usos y la formación de cada tiempo (incluyendo verbos irregulares) y de ejemplos, hemos incluido: -Expresiones de tiempo asociadas a cada tiempo verbal -Algún truquito para recordar terminaciones -Actividades para aprender a conjugar cada tiempo -Actividades del estilo del examen de #gcse Por eso, cada tiempo verbal va acompañado de: -Traducciones (inglés-español y español-inglés) -Una lista de los famosos “bullet points” del #writinggcse en los que los estudiantes deben escribir un párrafo usando ese tiempo en particular. Los bullet points cubren diferentes temas, lo que lo hace perfecto para recuperar y repasar vocabulario a la vez que se preparan y se acostumbran al formato del examen. Y si esto fuera poco, además de la soluciones para las traducciones y los ejercicios, ¡hemos incluido respuestas modelo para cada uno de los bullet points! Podéis usarlas como modelo, como una estructura sobre la cuál los estudiantes pueden escribir su propio párrafo, o incluso como traducción.


Updated version of our speaking booklet for Spanish GCSE students with lots of practice opportunities. It covers the three parts of the Speaking exam and it has been adapted for different exam boards (AQA and Edexcel). It includes a page with information about the exam (format, duration of each task, instructions and advice, etc.) as well as the different themes and topics covered. It also offers an opportunity to practise role plays and photo card description. Questions for General Conversation provided (organised by modules - VIVA GCSE book) and space for them to write their final answers. Learning mat with idioms organised by topic at the end as well as some key phrases such as opinions and intensifiers. The most organised way to prepare your students for the speaking exam!
Escape Room La Casa de Bernarda Alba Federico García Lorca Spanish Breakout game LCDBA  A  LevelQuick View

Escape Room La Casa de Bernarda Alba Federico García Lorca Spanish Breakout game LCDBA A Level

Una clase siguiendo el formato de la popular Escape Room para “escapar” de la casa de Bernarda Alba mientras los estudiantes aprenden sobre los personajes, el simbolismo, las citas más relevantes y los temas principales de la obra. Los estudiantes también aprenderán sobre la vida de Federico García Lorca, clave para entender sus obras. El juego tiene 5 pruebas en los que los alumnos deben usar su conocimiento tanto de la obra como de la gramática y el vocabulario para descifrar el código. Hay dos versiones diferenciadas, lo que la hace accesible a todos los niveles. La versión con más apoyo tiene una casita verde en la esquina superior derecha, la otra una casita roja. Las soluciones de ambas versiones son las mismas y llevan al mismo código secreto por lo que se pueden combinar los retos dependiendo de las necesidades de cada grupo. Cada versión también incluye las instrucciones para el profesor, la explicación de las reglas y las soluciones. Si se usa como Escape Room, está diseñada para durar una clase, aunque las pruebas también se pueden repartir a lo largo de varias sesiones. La forma más divertida de repasar este clásico de la literatura española tanto de forma presencial como de forma virtual. An Escape Room to break free from Bernarda Alba’s house whilst learning about the characters, symbolism, quotations and main topics of the play. Students will also learn about Federico Garcia Lorca’s life, key to understanding his work. The game consists of 5 different challenges where pupils must apply their knowledge both of the play and of Spanish grammar and vocabulary to crack the code. This resource includes two differentiated versions to make it accessible to all students. Both versions lead to the same secret code, so tasks could be combined depending on students’ needs and/or strengths. Teacher instructions, rules and explanation of the game and answers are included. If used as an Escape Room, it should last one lesson, but tasks could be broken down and split into more sessions. The funniest way to learn or review this classic of Spanish literature both in the classroom and online.
Christmas Escape Room Spanish- La Navidad en España Escape RoomQuick View

Christmas Escape Room Spanish- La Navidad en España Escape Room

A lesson designed following the famous Escape Room format to teach Christmas in Spain. Pupils need to complete a series of tasks based on key aspects of Spanish Christmas in order to decipher the code and break out! It works different skills through reading, translation, fill in the gaps and much more. It includes all the necessary resources, including slides with instructions and game description for the teacher and students. Suitable for all levels. Make the end of term fun in Spanish!
Spanish GCSE Reading and Listening preparation. Last minute tipsQuick View

Spanish GCSE Reading and Listening preparation. Last minute tips

The perfect powerpoint to prepare your students for their reading and listening Spanish papers, both Foundation and Higher. 19 slides that include guidance on how to complete the test successfully by focusing on linguistic cues and by avoiding common traps in the exam. The strategies are followed by exam styles questions for pupils to develop their skills. The powerpoint can be used for selfrevision or as a teacher led lesson. Suitable for all examination boards. ¡Buena suerte! :)
Spanish GCSE writing mat. Knowledge organiser to succeed in new GCSE. Organizador de conocimientoQuick View

Spanish GCSE writing mat. Knowledge organiser to succeed in new GCSE. Organizador de conocimiento

The most complete revision material to prepare your students for the writing and speaking exam. It includes an overview of all tenses including the subjunctive, with the rules on how to form them, most common irregular verbs, examples and time frames linked to each tense. It also includes a list of connectives, adverbs, prepositions, negatives, intensifiers and useful questions. It is also great to revise key vocabulary in preparation for listening and reading! + NOW UPDATED VERSION TOO that includes all the above + reflexive verbs in the three main tenses,comparisons, ‘ser’ vs ‘estar’ and Direct Object Pronouns. There is also a ‘my notes’ section to make any important annotations to do with grammar/vocabulary. El recurso de repaso más completo para desarrollar las destrezas escritas y orales de tus alumnos. Incluye un repaso de todos los tiempos verbales y del subjuntivo, con los pasos para formarlos, los verbos irregulares más comunes, ejemplos y expresiones temporales relacionadas con cada tiempo. También incluye una lista de conectores, adverbios, preposiciones, partículas negativas, intensificadores y pronombres interrogativos. Un material fantástico también para preparar actividades de escucha y lectura. AHORA TAMBIÉN CON UNA VERSIÓN ACTUALIZADA que incluye todo lo anterior + verbos relfexivos en presente, pasado y futuro, estructuras comparativas, “ser” vs “estar” y los pronombres de objeto directo. Además hay una sección llamada “Mis apuntes” para anotar cualquier aspecto relacionado con la gramática o el vocabulario.
Spanish GCSE Taster lesson Introductory session Escape Room. Options. Vocabulary, grammar & skillsQuick View

Spanish GCSE Taster lesson Introductory session Escape Room. Options. Vocabulary, grammar & skills

An Escape Room themed GCSE Spanish Taster/ Introductory session. Perfect to be used both in class and online to show students the type of vocabulary, grammar and tasks that they would be doing in GCSE. It covers a range of topics such as holidays, jobs, school or festivals as well as grammar. With this resource students will develop different language skills, including listening. The listening task is also available as reading to facilitate its completion if necessary. Vocabulary bank provided to scaffold learning if needed. Answers are provided. Una clase introductoria para GCSE de español siguiendo el formato de una Escape Room. El material perfecto para mostrar, tanto de forma presencial como en línea, a los estudiantes el tipo de vocabulario, gramática y tareas que harían en GCSE. El recurso cubre diferentes temas de GCSE como las vacaciones, los trabajos, el instituto o las fiestas, además de gramática. También se trabajan diferentes destrezas, incluyendo el listening, aunque la misma actividad está adaptada para hacerla como reading si te resulta más cómodo. Incluye una tarjeta de vocabulario para cada tarea por si los estudiantes necesitan esa ayuda extra. Las soluciones también están incluidas.
Operación Rescate Reyes Magos. Clase Navidad. Spanish Christmas game. Full lesson with answersQuick View

Operación Rescate Reyes Magos. Clase Navidad. Spanish Christmas game. Full lesson with answers

*Updated amended version :) The Three Wise Men have been kidnapped! Spanish children risk not getting presents this year… they must be rescued and the kings’ camels are asking for our help! An extremely fun lesson to boost cultural understanding and to continue developing linguistic skills. Barely any preparation time is required from the teacher! Pupils need to complete a series of six tasks based on key aspects of the Spanish Christmas holidays in order to work out the city where the kings are located to be able to rescue them. Two versions available: Spanish Spanish with instructions in English for each task A very enjoyable lesson to develop team work. It includes slides with instructions in English and in Spanish, answers and a vocabulary bank to support all students. Make the end of term fun in Spanish! ¡Han secuestrado a los Reyes Magos! Los niños españoles podrían quedarse sin regalos este año… hay que rescatarlos. ¡Los camellos nos lo están suplicando! Una clase muy divertida para desarrollar la competencia intercultural de tus alumnos y para continuar practicando español. ¡Apenas se requiere preparación por parte del profesor! Los estudiantes tienen que completar una serie de seis de pruebas basadas en aspectos clave de la Navidad en España para averiguar en qué ciudad están los Reyes Magos y rescatarlos. Hay dos versiones disponibles: -Español -Español con instrucciones en inglés para cada prueba Una clase muy amena para que trabajen en equipo. Incluye diapositivas con instrucciones en español e inglés, las soluciones y un banco de vocabulario para apoyar a todos los alumnos. ¡Haz que que terminen el trimestre pasándolo pipa en clase de español!
El laberinto del fauno Escape Room. Spanish A Level Pan's Labyrinth. Answers includedQuick View

El laberinto del fauno Escape Room. Spanish A Level Pan's Labyrinth. Answers included

Una clase siguiendo el formato de la popular Escape Room para “escapar” del Laberinto del Fauno mientras los estudiantes aprenden sobre el contexto histórico, los personajes, el simbolismo y las citas más relevantes de la obra. El juego tiene 5 pruebas en los que los alumnos deben usar su conocimiento tanto de la película como de la gramática y el vocabulario para descifrar el código. Las soluciones están incluidas para facilitar al profesor la tarea de guiar a los estudiantes durante el proceso y verificar que tienen el código secreto correcto. También se incluyen las instrucciones para el profesor y la explicación de las reglas . Si se usa como Escape Room, está diseñada para durar una clase, aunque las pruebas también se pueden repartir a lo largo de varias sesiones. La forma más divertida de repasar este clásico del cine hispanohablante tanto de forma presencial como de forma virtual. An Escape Room to break free from the Pan’s labyrinth whilst learning about the historical context, the characters, symbolism and key quotations.The game consists of 5 different challenges where pupils must apply their knowledge both of the film and of Spanish grammar and vocabulary to crack the code. This resource includes answers to facilitate the teacher’s task of supervising the proccess and checking their students’ final answer. Teacher instructions, rules and explanation of the game are also included. If used as an Escape Room, it should last one lesson, but tasks could be broken down and split into more sessions. The funniest way to learn or review this classic of hispanic cinema both in the classroom and online.
European Day of Languages Escape Room. Assembly. Tutor activity. FormQuick View

European Day of Languages Escape Room. Assembly. Tutor activity. Form

An interactive Escape Room to celebrate European Day of Languages. It includes a video about reasons to learn languages, a quiz and tasks to work with greetings and idioms in different languages. The perfect resource to raise the profile of Modern Foreign Languages whilst having fun during Assembly and/or Form time. Suitable for both primary and secondary.
Superpack GCSE. Spanish worksheets with answers to support all modules VIVAQuick View

Superpack GCSE. Spanish worksheets with answers to support all modules VIVA

SAVE 30% A super bundle that consists of 63 worksheets to support the teaching of the modules and units from VIVA GCSE Spanish. However, all worksheets include all the relevant vocabulary and grammar explanations so they can also be used independently. The worksheets are grouped by modules and answers can also be downloaded separately in our TES shop. The pack is organised in the following topics: Module 1 - Desconéctate - holidays Module 2 - Mi vida en el insti - school Module 3 - Mi gente - Free time and relationships Module 4 - Intereses e influencias - Trends and free time Module 5 - Ciudades - local area Module 6 - De costumbre - traditions, food and drink Module 7 - ¡A currar! - the world of work, ambitions Module 8 - Hacia un mundo mejor - environment, social issues See preview images for each module’s contents.
MFL ideas, activities and games -Templates-Ideas, juegos y actividades  para claseQuick View

MFL ideas, activities and games -Templates-Ideas, juegos y actividades para clase

Activities and ideas for the language classroom. A very useful PowerPoint designed for MFL teachers that includes a range of activities, games and other ideas to promote all skills. We’ve added lots of templates to directly copy and paste into your lessons. It also includes links to useful webs, apps, videos and authentic resources to use in your lessons. Fantastic to help you plan your lessons! Both Spanish and English versions included. Actividades e ideas para la clase de idiomas. Un PowerPoint muy útil diseñado para profesores de idiomas que incluye una variedad de actividades, juegos y otras ideas para desarrollar todas las destrezas. Hemos añadido plantillas que se pueden copiar y pegar directamente. También incluye enlaces a webs, aplicaciones, vídeos y recursos auténticos para usarlos en clase. ¡El recurso perfecto para facilitar la planificación! Versiones en inglés y español disponibles.
Spanish tenses grammar posters, display and bookletQuick View

Spanish tenses grammar posters, display and booklet

A series of posters to be used as display or put into a mini revision guide for 8 tenses (present, present continuous, present perfect, preterite, imperfect, near future, simple future and conditional). Each poster includes the endings for each tense, the most common time phrases/ adverbs it is used with, irregular verbs and examples. The colourful format makes it visual and eye-catching.
Spanish A Level essay writing knowledge organiser. Organizador de ideas: escribir ensayos en españolQuick View

Spanish A Level essay writing knowledge organiser. Organizador de ideas: escribir ensayos en español

This knowledge organiser has been designed to help your A Level students with their essay writing. It includes structures for the different parts of the essay (introduction, main body and conclusion) as well as complex structures and other vocabulary related to both literary and cinematographic works. Particularly, there are a variety of high level phrases to make reference to the author/director, the plot, the characters, the context, as well as other specific terminology. Your students will also find that A* structures useful to illustrate with examples, add new ideas and give and justify opinions/ arguments have been included. A very complete learning mat that has been organised in a visual and student friendly way, making it the best possible way to support your students when writing essays both independently and in class.
Juego para crear caras y practicar descripciones. Les descriptions. Beschreibungen. DescriptionsQuick View

Juego para crear caras y practicar descripciones. Les descriptions. Beschreibungen. Descriptions

A game to create a range of physical descriptions (face, hair and eyes) and write about them. It includes a set of 32 different hair styles (including hiyabs), a range of eyes, moustaches, beards and glasses. Available in Spanish, French, German and English. If you are using the Spanish version, check this learning mat for vocabulary: You can see the resource in more detail on this video: A while ago we had the opportunity to participate in a Webinar about the need to decolonize the curriculum and we met Maud Waret (you can find her on Twitter as @profprofmfl). Listening to her was extremely inspiring, and from that moment on have been trying to make our lessons and resources as inclusive as we can. Please, let us know if we have missed anything!
San Fermin worksheet with answers for self-correctionQuick View

San Fermin worksheet with answers for self-correction

This is a worksheet with answers that introduces the festival of San Fermín. Perfect for cover or independent work and suitable for KS3 and low ability KS4. There is a wordsearch, an activity to work on question words -so important for the new GCSE, a GCSE style reading and a short writing task on opinions. There are also extensions for the most able. ¡Gora San Fermín! :)
Complex structures GCSE Spanish. Estructuras complejas Learning mat & translation practice. AnswersQuick View

Complex structures GCSE Spanish. Estructuras complejas Learning mat & translation practice. Answers

The perfect resource to boost your GCSE students’ grades. A learning mat including a range of over 60 complex structures and pieces of creative language to add variety to their writing and speaking. The utterances are organised around grammar. However, the categories are labelled in a student friendly language to motivate them to use them in their exams. The pack includes translation practice (with answers) to consolidate the use of the phrases. Perfect for both Higher and Foundation pupils.
World Cup 2018 Booklet- El Mundial 2018 CuadernilloQuick View

World Cup 2018 Booklet- El Mundial 2018 Cuadernillo

¡Hola! Here is a booklet suitable for KS KS3 and KS4 Spanish to cover the World Cup! It covers all four skills (reading, listening, writing and speaking) through a variety of activities (12 in total) that include wordsearches, colouring, reading, songs and much more! It is tailored to the new GCSE so that students can practise key skills such as translation or describing a picture- scaffolding is provided! It also has the **solutions **to the activities so that pupils can autocheck their progress. ¡A disfrutar! :)
Recurso 21.04Quick View

Recurso 21.04

A range of bookmarks with a quote from each of the literary texts studied in Spanish A Level (Edexcel, AQA and Eduquas)