Comparing numbers (inequalities)Quick View

Comparing numbers (inequalities)

Activity where students complete Q’s 1 to 8, if they get any wrong they work out their mistake then complete numbers 9 to 13, if they get them all correct they move on to the next tier.
Ordering decimals 3 tierQuick View

Ordering decimals 3 tier

Activity where students complete Q’s 1 to 5, if they get any wrong they work out their mistake then complete numbers 6 to 8, if they get them all correct they move on to the next tier.
Rounding to decimal place 4 tiersQuick View

Rounding to decimal place 4 tiers

Activity where students complete Q’s 1 to 8, if they get any wrong they work out their mistake then complete numbers 9 to 13, if they get them all correct they move on to the next tier.